selected essays
“Every Abyss Is a Matter of Time" (Los Angeles Review of Books)
The Telling Makes It True: On Robert Glück’s “About Ed” (Cleveland Review of Books)
“On Poetic Closure” (Mentor & Muse)
“Proximate Postcards 1” in collaboration with Miriam Calleja and Dylan Willoughby (On the Seawall)
“The Author of the Abortion Is “I”: Against Redemptive Forms and Genres” (Post 45 Abortion Now, Abortion Forever Cluster)
“Dandying Through the Agora of Jon Riccio’s Head” (The Night Heron Barks)
“Both Silence and Words”: Two Books, a Video, and a Surveillance File” (On the Seawall)
”A Personal Anthology of Short Fictions” (A Personal Anthology, curated by Jonathan Gibbs)
”Eros, Attention, Acceptance: A Writer’s Arsenal” (Harriet, Poetry Foundation Featured Blogger)
“Unmailed Letters, Three Rings, the Inheritance, and Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachmann” (Socrates on the Beach)
”Chimeric Enganglements” (Harriet, Poetry Foundation Featured Blogger)
”It Is the Light Which Owns Nothing: 18 Ways of Looking at Birmingham” (Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal)
“The Failed Azaleas” (Harriet, Poetry Foundation Featured Blogger)
”Letter to Bucharest Concerning the Use of Blue in Paintings and Music” (The Bureau Dispatch)
“We Meet in Darkness: Coral Bracho and Memory in Translation” (GASHER)
“14 Variations on Silence” (Majuscule Lit)
“17 Reasons I Love Ellipses in Poetry, Prose, and Translation” (World Literature Today)—Nominated for Pushcart 2022
“The Statue” (The RUMPUS)
“12; 13; 29; 30; 37” (Revolution John)
“A Series of Hind-Sites: Spaces and Traces in Self-Translation” (Axon: Creative Explorations)
“Mapping Modes of Allegiance: The Radical Translations of Don Mee Choi” (On the Seawall)
”Awl” (World Literature Today)—Nominated for Pushcart 2021
”Libations in Saturday’s Waters: A Series of Estranged Gestures” (Apofenie)
“Reading Kafka in the Parabolic Time of Pandemic” (Exacting Clam)
“Dim Light is Best: Pierre Senges’ Silhouettes of Kafka” (The Babel Tower Notice Board)
“The Acid of the Bath”: Kate Zambreno’s To Write As If Already Dead and Hervé Guibert’s The Mausoleum” (On the Seawall)
“Zoschenko’s Unstable We: The Tension of Collective Plurals in Soviet Fiction” (Grist Journal blog)
”Visits with Capra” (Dream Pop Press)—Nominated for Pushcart 2021
“Accident” (GASHER Journal) Nominated for Pushcart Prize 2020
“The Thickness and the Threshold”, a craft essay (Pidgeonholes)
“Lyric Essentials: Alina Stefanescu reads Alice Notley” (The Sundress Blog)
“Me & Eugen Jebeleanu” (The Operating System)
”Born In the USA” (Memoir Mixtapes, Vol. 11)
“Abyss” (How We Are: Writers During Pandemic)
“No Such Person” (Lost Balloon Magazine)
“If Death Is A Dancer” (Dovecote)
“environmental impact statement for a body of water” (Platform Review)
"Mother I Make Up" (Longleaf Review) Nominated for Best of the Net 2018
"The Story Line" (Mutha Magazine)
“You Have Changed” (ChangeSeven)
interviews & conversations
“Our Good Ghosts: A Conversation with Idra Novey” (Orion)
"The Privilege and Responsibility of Disagreeing for Eternity": Alina Stefanescu Speaks to Lynn Emanuel (Identity Theory)
“The Fallacy of Literary Citizenship”: A conversation with Karan Kapoor” (Only Poems)
“Intimacy in the Telling: A Conversation with Maggie Smith” (The Rumpus)
“Dialogue: Alina Stefanescu & Brandon Menke” (Ballast Journal)
“Where Is the Poem That Explains?: Pamela Mordecai Interviewed by Alina Stefanescu” (BOMB Online)
“Epiphanic Collaborations: A Conversation with Sandra Simonds and Summer J. Hart” (Identity Theory)
“Solmaz Sharif by Alina Stefanescu: An interview” (BOMB)
“Collaborative Poetics: An Interview by Alina Stefanescu with Rushi Vyas and Rajiv Mohabir” (Napkin Poetry Review)
”How Hunger Changes a House: A Conversation with Lauren Camp” (The Rumpus)
“Love, Dread, and Poetry: A Conversation With Matthew Zapruder” (The Adroit Journal)
“Genes, Grief, Poetic Form, and Love: A conversation with Charlotte Pence” (On the Seawall)
On [M]otherhood: An Epistolary Conversation with Anna Lea Jancewicz (Mutha Magazine)
Review of Earthwork by Jill Khoury (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
“& something not wedded”: A reading of Maya Jewell Zeller’s Out Takes/ Glove Box (Pleiades)
“Standing in the Forest of Being Alive by Katie Farris” (World Literature Today feature review)
“Burning at the Same Time” — José-Flore Tappy’s Mysterious Poem-Portraits” (The Arts Fuse)
“On COPY by Dolores Dorantes” (On the Seawall)
“The Dark at the Bottom of the Ocean: David Baker’s Whale Fall” (The Arts Fuse)
“Gazing at the Collaged Self: Lauren Slaughter’s Spectacle” (World Literature Today blog)
“The Aliens Created by Nation-States: A Review of Voices on the Move: An Anthology about Refugees” (Word City Literary Journal)
“Invocations of Time in Recent Poetry: Amish Trivedi and Elizabeth Hughey” (GASHER)
Review of Cristina Sandu’s The Union of Synchronized Swimmers (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
“The Unabandoned Self in Megan Culhane Galbraith's Memory Book” (GASHER)
“Rubbing Love From Silences in Silvina López Medin's Poem That Never Ends” (Cleveland Review of Books)
”Dualities of Life and Fiction in Jackson Bliss’ Counterfactual Love Stores” (Chicago Review of Books)
On An Insomniac’s Slumber Party by Heidi Seaborn (On the Seawall)
“The Poetics of Sacred Space in Dujie Tahat’s Salat” (GASHER)
On A Man Ain’t Nothin by Jason McCall (On the Seawall)
“Mythology & Intersectionality in Diamond Forde’s Mother Body” (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
“The Wolf in the House: On Hinge by Molly Spencer” (On the Seawall)
“Heirlooms and Herstories in Susan Martinello’s Little Gears of Time” (RHINO Reviews)
On Elsa Valdmidiano’s We Are No Longer Babaylan (RHINO Reviews)
”Infinite Fidelities in Julie E. Bloemeke's Slide to Unlock” (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
“Echoes and Voices in Philip Metres’ Shrapnel Maps” (ANOMALY)
“No Single Camera: A review of Silvina López Medin's Excursion (GASHER)
“Innocence & Violence in Appalachia: A Close Reading of William Woolfitt's Spring Up Everlasting” (On the Seawall)
“The Re-Visioning Nostalgia: A review of Jia Oak Baker and Shawnte Orion’s Gravity and Spectacle (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
Review of Rogan Kelly’s Demolition in the Tropics (Bending Genres)
Review of Darren C. Demarree's Emily As Sometimes the Forest Wants the Fire (Up the Staircase Quarterly)
“Odes To Disbelief: A review of Luke Hankins’ Radiant Obstacles” ( On the Seawall)
“The House That Grief Built: Sarah Carey's Accommodations & Jennifer Horne's Borrowed Light (New Southern Fugitives)
“The Fables Keep Falling: A review of Jonathan Andrew Pérez Cartographer of Crumpled Maps (EcoTheo Review)
“The Hot Pink Comb: A review of Julia Cohen's Good Timing & Gertrude Stein” (The Bind)
“The Pastoral of Close Ties: A review of Dawn Fool by Kyla Houbolt” (The Poetry Question)
“Review of Heart Like A Window, Mouth Like A Cliff,” by Sara Borjas” (Another Chicago Magazine)
“The Sweetest Meat Clings To Bone: A review of Angela Narcisco Torres’ To The Bone (Cleaver)
“Music In A Blade of Grass: A review of Jim Whiteside’s Writing Your Name on the Glass (Empty Mirror)
Review of Ashley M. Jones dark // thing (Alabama Writer’s Forum)
“6 Thoughts on Reviewing Poetry + tips & where to submit reviews” (Trish Hopkinson)
"Mothers Who Die" (Ginosko Literary Journal)
"Black Widow in Birmingham" (Airplane Reading)
"Bunicu Does Orange Beach" (Birmingham Arts Journal)
“The Story Behind The Story: Mother-In-Law Collection” (Fiction Southeast)
"Postcards Against Purity" (Catapult)
“Dear Wigleaf” (Wigleaf postcard)