Eighty-two-year-old Pauline tortures herself over the selection of classical music in “Radio Station WISS.”
We only fight for our ideal, which ought to be everyone's ideal: free people on free land.
Where is love in Oarystis?
Urbanism is the ideological gridding and control of individuals and society by an economic system that exploits man and Earth and transforms life into a commodity.
We demand everything.
When your brain breaks, so does your future and your past.
A telephone is convenient, but sometimes it must be destroyed.
“I will repeat it in every way” wrote Georges Bataille, “the world is livable only under the condition that nothing be respected within it.”
My own radicality absolves me from any label.
I have always been fascinated by the long journey Hölderlin undertook following his break-up with Diotima.
Communard women who were rumored (probably falsely) to have burned down many Parisian buildings during the final days of the Commune by throwing bottles of petroleum.
And I remember that my wife was once a stranger.
If this question refers to the function of employees in the reigning spectacle, it is obvious that the number of jobs to be had there expands as the spectacle does.
If one is to believe power's fairy-tales, Jupiter and Jesus experienced fleshless couplings upon Olympus and Golgotha, and the pure abstraction of their celestial sexual satisfactions consoles us for having, here below in the valley, mere tears at pleasure cut short by production anxiety.
What is your favorite flower?
The idea that a party could constitute the “spearhead of the proletariat” reproduced in the proletariat the hierarchy that the denaturalising function of labour had established into the thinking brain – the “boss” – and the rest of the body.
DH Lawrence and Nietzsche both read Revelations as a fantastic revenge fantasy that bids people to sit and wait and bide their time as others laugh for they will be smited when the big ending comes.
Furthermore the poet Scutenaire said “There are things that one does not joke about. Not enough.”
Dante and Milton, hypothetically describing the infernal wastelands, proved that they were hyena of the first species. This proof is excellent. The result was bad. Their books didn't sell.