Begin again.
Alternately: start it up, where “up” indicates a wheel-like structure that moves across terrain when fueled by gasoline and shut it down means stopping the cycle.
Additionally: surrealism’s “eroticism” dictionary of hand signals which ends by resuming, and using the sign to indicate both an action and a procedural motion.
The 27 expressions iconized above remind me of Erik Satie’s furniture music, but also of Fugazi’s furniture demo, and of the word, mobile, in French . . .
. . . or the possibilities that connect to immobilization, “mobila” (in Romanian, furniture), telephone mobile (mobile phone), and mobile phones in general… Because phones can walk now and what a shame that I only happened upon Satie’s prefiguration of this today.
Nefariously, it has come to my attention that I am very very behind on emails, a fact that I can only excuse by noting that it takes me a long time to figure out how to respond to the level of fluxus on display below:
What I admire about this poem is the use of mixed dictions and colloquialisms. What I rue is the “Wedding” that wants to be a gnosis. Thoughts and prayers to the nada! To thine own catalyzer, be true— even if it is number 15 on the surrealist chart.